The Wealthy Goddess with Isis Jade

The Wealthy Goddess with Isis Jade

DELIGHT Episode 7: How to Bounce Back Like Jello From Any Setback

March 05, 2014

In today’s episode, Isis & The Realms of Light shares inspiration and fun on how we can be more like Jello to bounce back from any setback or crisis in our lives.
Isis first shares this week’s divine light message, followed by an introduction to how to bounce like jello and retain our core and form no matter what may be blown our way.
Like jello requiring a mold to set and take form, Isis explains how we each need a mold into which we can pour our whole being: our mind, heart, soul and essence. Isis explains what that mold is made of, and how we can create new molds in order to manifest our hearts desires spontaneously.
She takes us through the first two levels of the DELIGHT’S Golden Spiral that we can use to create a life that truly delights us to no end, giving us insight, questions to ponder and ideas we can journal about:
1. What truly delights you to no end?
2. What dreams and desires do you harbor in your spirit? They may be secret dreams you’ve never revealed to anyone.
3. What is your life’s purpose, your message, or your definite chief aim in life?
Our dreams and desires contain the fuel to light our fire. They become the driving force for our lives.
4. What is it that you really, really, really want to get out of your life?
5. What are some of your life experiences and what have you learned from your setbacks, oopsie-daisies, and experiments so far?
6. What new experiments would excite you to no end to create and play with?
We hope you enjoy our jello-filled analogy today. This is our approach to life on a higher level. Don’t get caught up in the negative spiral of self-talk. Always focus on your most heart-felt mission and purpose in life, focus on your chief, definite aim.
Our desirable experiences, our most wanted experiments lead to excitement, which gives us motivation and momentum to play with new ideas, new approaches to our life’s challenges.
We hope you enjoy today’s show. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a private session with Isis and The Realms of Light, we’d love to hear from you!