The Wealthy Goddess with Isis Jade

The Wealthy Goddess with Isis Jade

CADL012 ~ The Five Pillars of Spiritual Empowerment Part 1

January 05, 2017

Namaste and Welcome back my friends.  Today we are exploring the Path of the Delightfullness of Being and the Five Pillars of Real Spiritual Empowerment & Enlightenment.
This lesson we talk about an internal, natural state of being that is ineffable, masterful, effortless and utterly transformational.
This is something innate within yourself. It is something you do not have to struggle to get, have, be or do. It is inborn of you, naturally. It emanates out from you, effortlessly.
A tree doesn’t struggle to grow to its full potential, does it? It’ does so in spite of whatever external circumstances may present to it. A river doesn’t struggle to return to that which it is drawn to, for it is drawn to itself. You do not need to struggle to reach your full potential, nor do you need to struggle to return to that which you already are. Everything else is a distraction, an illusion.
I’d like to pose a question to you now.
Wouldn’t be so amazing if you were to have within you, something that flows as effortlessly as a river? Something that grows as effortlessly in its own time and of its own way, as a tree? Wouldn’t it be remarkable to have something  is always flowing, not only flowing, but taking you with it, without effort? Something that you can flow effortlessly along and onwards and upwards into a higher experience? a higher existence? a place without struggle? without compromise? without strife? Into a higher functioning relationship with yourself, the Infinite and all of life around you so we are no longer doing to others or to ourselves such horrifying acts of strife, violence, repression, aggression or enslavement out of fear?
I’d like to ask you another question. What would it feel like to live life without?
Would we live in fear of what we do not have? Why do we cling to so many things and seek out solutions outside ourselves that are ultimately nothing but life-negating for us? These things could be objects, relationships, careers, beliefs we hold, addictions, cravings, conflicts. All of it. These solutions could be medicine, drugs, alcohol, thrill-seeking, repression, ignoring, or going on lifelong healing pursuits to clear our fields and our spirits, believing as we do that there is something inherently wrong within us we must fix.
We have decoyed and disguised these things to ourselves, so we can talk ourselves into situations with them. We seek to control outcomes and expect outcomes, because our tiny mind has taught us this is the way to ensure our physical survival. We seek to fight and to dominate, because our tiny mind has taught us this is the way to ensure we will be accepted, lauded, celebrated and heard, all so that we can be kept safe.
On the outside these things we talk ourselves into seeking out and clinging to often seem so wonderful, don’t they? But as we begin to dig within each object, each circumstance, each situation outside ourselves, we see only the disease and dysfunction and chaos that emerges. We become disappointed and disillusioned with the solution or thing we sought out so we must either abandon it, change it, fix it in some way so it better suits our perception of what it ought to be.  But why do we encounter disillusionment to begin with? Why do we encounter dysfunction and chaos in the first place?
Why? because this is the internal condition that we are experiencing within ourselves.
As a result, we cannot simply flow. We fight the inborn natural ability to flow, because it all just seems too simple, too easy. And after all, life is supposed to be hard, isn’t it? Life is supposed to be a tragedy, right? We are all of us supposed to struggle on and overcome during our journeys, right?
Take a deep breath now. We’ve covered a lot in a short period of time. it takes time to let all this settle us into a new place of awareness. So, now,