The Wealthy Goddess with Isis Jade

The Wealthy Goddess with Isis Jade

CADL009 ~ Why Delight is the Key to a Divine, Successful Life

November 17, 2016

This week we are going to discuss why Delight is the key to a Successful, Divine Life and I’m going to give you some background on this concept from a spiritual perspective as well as from a universal energy perspective.
We take a turn along our journey together by discussing how the tantric philosophy of Delight is such a powerful idea and why I shifted my coaching and consulting practice to teach my clients how to embrace the path of effortlessness.
The path to embracing your delight, I believe, requires a willingness to delve into the abyss and really get to know all aspects of your outer life as a reflection of your inner life. Basically examining your light and shadows from all angles. It is this kind of deep inner soul journeying that enables you to peel back all that no longer serves you and allow you to reveal your joy and delight so you can manifest all you desire and long for with ease and grace.
I believe that in order for a woman to truly look into the abyss and see herself as truly a divine and delightful goddess, she must be willing to release beliefs that no longer serve her.
I feel the energy of delight is about passion, fire and desire. It has to do with a paradigm shift where our feminine energy is allowed to multiply and deepen in our own lives.
The Law of Delight says, when we delight ourselves fully in life, we will receive all the desires of our heart. It is as effortless as breathing. It is as automatic as every flower blooming. It really is that easy. If you are interested in learning more or desire to work with me, check out my services, programs and books or email me at