The Wealthy Goddess with Isis Jade

The Wealthy Goddess with Isis Jade

CADL008 ~ Create A Divine Life – Giving Yourself the Gift of Self-Love

November 03, 2016

I hope you lovely spirits are doing wonderful out there. I’m so incredibly stoked about so many responses and listens to last week’s episode – How to become a Goddess Part 1 We’ve had over 2600 listeners tune in for our last episode alone!
As a thank you to all my listeners, I wanted to do something extra special this week. So I am putting together a huge treasure chest of goodies I’m making available on my website,, absolutely free to you. Keep checking back at and look for the tab at the top that says FREE GOODIES – click on that, and you’ll be taken to a bevy of brilliant tools, audio trainings, seminars and downloads that you can have, absolutely free as my thank you for continuing to tune in and listen to The Goddess Show.
This week I wanted to talk to you more about the path to becoming a Goddess. A couple of weeks ago we talked about which type of woman you are, a Goddess or a Doormat. We talked about a secret super-power Goddesses have access to that you can employ to super-charge your life with unbelievable results.
This week I want to move beyond that light-hearted question and challenge you this week to go deeper. We take a turn along this path now, to embark upon the journey of self-love through the process of healing toxic thoughts
As we talked about in the beginning of my podcast series, and if you haven’t tuned in before this episode, I really want to urge you to go back to the beginning and listen to all the episodes through. There’s a lot of wisdom I’m giving.
You see, becoming a goddess is all about discovering your feminine power and experiencing it in all its glorious essences.
In my wild and wacky universe, we are all goddesses.
However, not every woman realizes that she was borne already a goddess. Most of us are consumed with negative self-doubts, toxic thoughts about ourselves and others, and feeling victimized or violated.
The path to embracing your sacred goddesshood, I believe, requires a willingness to delve into your whole self, and really get to know all aspects of yourself. Basically examining your light and shadows from all angles. It is this kind of deep inner soul journeying that enables you to peel back all that no longer serves you and allow you to reveal your light for all to see.
It requires a willingness to see yourself in the most divine light. It also requires you to look at yourself and all of yourself without critique, but to look upon yourself with unconditional love – the pure self-less kind of self-love.
This journey into laying claim to your divine, sacred Goddesshood requires a great amount of courage to be willing to shine your own divine light on the shadowy areas of your life. By meeting your shadow and lovingly accepting her, stepping into her and embracing her – well, this the only way I know to reclaim those lost, shattered or fractured pieces of your pure divine feminine nature.
There are some great practices that can empower you to embark upon this journey. Some included are yoga, meditation, time in nature, women’s circles, and reading goddess and/or other spiritual books. regardless of your religion or spiritual affinity, the quest to reclaiming our psyche in her full glory is the ultimate quest of every woman.
Ultimately, your journey to reclaiming your innate Goddess nature is all about self-respect and doing whatever you need to do to lovingly honor, nurture and care for your sacred self so you start feeling her and emanating your true, authentic spirit from the inside out.
I believe that in order for a woman to truly look into a mirror see herself as a beautiful, divine and glorious goddess, she must be willing to release all the chains, all the binds, all the  from the paradigm of seeing herself through masculine eyes. She must look at herself through her own feminine eyes.