The DadCast

The DadCast

#005: Take Time For Yourself [DadCast]

April 01, 2013

Beach-Chairs.jpgHey Dads!

Thanks for stopping by for Episode 5 of the DadCast!

You know that drained feeling you get from being a parent? We’ve all experienced it. But it’s not something we can live with for long.

We must refuel ourselves if we want to become great dads.

As dads, we continually pour out ourselves into the lives of our families. And we should. But you can only pour out for so long until the vessel is emptied.

If you’re not doing anything to replenish yourself, sooner or later, you’re going to run empty.

And that’s what Episode 5 of The DadCast is all about!

Click To Listen

Episode Notes

DadCast Encouragement

You know the feeling I’m talking about. As dads, we give and give of ourselves to our kids, and to our wife. And that drains us. We empty ourselves. As dads, we continually pour out ourselves into the lives of our families. And that’s exactly what we should be doing.

But you can only pour out for so long until the vessel is emptied. And once you’re empty, what then? What more can you give?


That’s why it’s crucial to take the time and effort necessary to replenish yourself, both physically and spiritually. Because, if you’re not doing anything to replenish yourself, sooner or later, you’re going to run empty. And when you run empty, you crash. I know you don’t want that for your family. I don’t want it for mine.

That’s why it’s essential that we take the time to refuel ourselves.

Dadhood Resource

How To Be A Great Dad

Take care of yourself physically

Exercise consistently.

Get the sleep you need.

Eat Healthy

Take care of yourself spiritually

Read the Bible daily

Write the Bible


PDRs (Personal Retreat Days)

Do something fun

Show Your Kids Today That You Love Them!

Knowledge is great. But if there is no application of the knowledge… If we don’t do something about what we now know, it’s pretty pointless. So how can we apply this to our lives. Here are a few ideas:

  • Purchase a copy of Leading On Empty and read it.
  • Develop and implement a routine for exercise. Perhaps this is something you can do with your kids, if they are old enough. A run with your son can be as relationally important as it is physically important.
  • Establish a routine for sleep. Get what you need every night.
  • Do the same thing with your eating habits. Eat healthier foods. Cut out the fast food and junk food. Encourage your family to join you in this.
  • Read your Bible daily. Take the time to listen to what it’s saying, don’t just skim through it.
  • That might mean that you need to slow down and write it out, verse by verse to get a great handle on what God’s telling you.
  • That might mean that you jot down significant ideas in a journal, so that you can come back to them frequently.
  • Schedule a retreat. Get away and just allow God to refill you. This could be a weekend or an overnight event. Or, it could be a few hours away as well.
  • Go do something you enjoy for a while. Allow your mind and body to relax.
  • If you have trouble implementing ideas like these, add them to your calendar.
  • Whatever it takes…. Just do it.

Summary Question

What do you do to take care of yourself? How is it working? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Be deliberate, Dad!


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