The DeKnumi Podcast

The DeKnumi Podcast

DeKnumi Podcast #19 - PEWS Principles - A Servant's heart Will Lead You Straight to the Top

April 02, 2014

Host Phillip Swindall begins the fourth and final week of teaching on The PEWS Principles - four principles of Christian life designed to foster healthy Christian living and a healthy Christian Church.  In the previous three weeks, we have looked at the foundation for Christian living.

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: building off of the Cornerstone (a relationship with Jesus Christ) we develop loving, building relationships with God, our family, our church and then outside with our community and the world.

EVANGELISM: Using the relationships we have built, we take God-given opportunities to express our gratitude and appreciation for the things Jesus has done in, through and for us - and for how we see Jesus already working in the lives of those who need Him so they might be able to see God and experience God in a way that would draw them to build a relationship with the One, True, Living God in Jesus Christ.

WORSHIP: Just as we express our love and gratitude for God's work in our lives as evangelism, we also must express our love and gratitude to God for His work in our lives. Worship must begin personally, then spread out from personal worship to family, and corporate worship, And, we must recognize that all of worship is active - worship is a verb. We must be about our Father's business -  being his hands, heart and feet throughout the world.

This week, we will study our responsbility to SERVE others needs.