Deepak Nair Podcast

Deepak Nair Podcast

Latest Episodes

#75 Oh, you WILL have bad days
August 14, 2015

I honestly can't tell if this audio is good or not. I listened to it a bunch of times and tried editing out all the filler words... until I went crazy. Why is it so hard to listen to your own voice? But here it is. What I was trying to say is that you...

#74 Our two paths in the conscious life
August 06, 2015

First, are we conscious or unconscious? After becoming conscious: we can be a (wo)man of the world or a reunciate. I decided I'd like to experience the first option in this life. Which path will you choose?

#73 Ok, anger problem solved
July 31, 2015

I tried every single tool I could think of last nite. Nothing helped.What solved the problem this morning:8 rounds of EFT + Art of Extreme Self Care + Speaking my mind and drawing boundaries to the person involved. Worked like a charm after 12hours+...

#72 I'm angry & trying to snap out of it
July 30, 2015


#71 Animal Noises
July 23, 2015

I talk about the forest getting me high, my brain wanting to impress all females, and obtaining a quiet mind + open heart.

#70 Thoughts Ruin Lives
July 18, 2015

And what to do about it. I talk about how I discovered I was like a fish in water.  Alcohol helped me leap outta the water for a moment. And rest of my life has been trying to figure out how to stay out. Stories of drinking, smoking pot,...

#69 Diarrhea of a Mad Black Woman
July 02, 2015

I seriously do not recommend you start listening to this because once you start, you cannot stop. Fair warning. (there's nothing extra here but I have been writing a shit-ton of blog posts, some of which you may like)

#68 I talk for 25mins and 35secs
June 29, 2015

And hopefully it will distract your thinking mind long enough so that you can:- wash some dishes- pickup clothes off the floor- change your stank bedsheets- survive part of your commute- or whatever it is that you do while listening to stuffI talk...

#67 Everything I want causes unwanted problems
May 15, 2015

I talk about every new thing I want causing new unforseen challenges. Like flossing causing a dirty mirror. And cooking indian food giving me depressive symptoms. All winter, I wished for spring. Now that's it's spring, a fuckin bird is singing really...

#66 Why I Started Flossing + People Lie About Their Lives
March 29, 2015

How going to a holistic dentist last week got me to brush 2x a day, floss, & use a natural mouthwash. This after 33yrs of dental neglect. Most people lie about how good their lives are by only sharing the peak moments. A gambler will boast how...