Deemable Tech » Podcast

Deemable Tech » Podcast

#90 Cutting Cords and Fiber Optic Cables

July 03, 2015

This week Ray, Tom and Sean discuss news about Netflix’s growth, videos on Facebook, SpaceX and more. Plus, Siri hits a little too close to home when we ask her to divide zero by zero. That and more on this week’s Deemable Tech! If you’re listening to Deemable Tech on our website, would you subscribe to the show on iTunes or on Stitcher? And, while you’re there, would you leave a review and say a few nice things about us? The more subscribers we have and reviews we get, the more people will find our show. The Deemable Tech Podcast is brought to you by A Small Orange, Homegrown Hosting. A refreshingly different approach to web hosting. On the web at Make sure to share Deemable Tech on the forums, Facebook, Twitter and all over the interwebs. Thank you to our Redditors who have been helping us decide what stories we talk about on the show. Go to our subreddit page and submit a story, and vote other stories up or down. will take you there. We’re also looking for a new admin to help manage and moderate our subreddit page. Submit a text post to our subreddit explaining why you would make a more »