Decorating Pages: TV and Film Design

Decorating Pages: TV and Film Design

"Spinning Gold" - John El Manahi - Production Designer

April 04, 2023

Production Designer John El Manahi has over two decades of experience in designing sets for films. Recently, El Manahi has been busy working on his latest project, "Spinning Gold," a biopic about the life and career of legendary music producer Neil Bogart who was the cofounder of Casablanca Records. El Manahi's work on "Spinning Gold" perfectly capturing the glitz and glamor of the music industry in the 1970s. From recreating iconic recording studios to designing elaborate concert stages, El Manahi has brought the film's setting to life.

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Decorating Pages is a top-rated podcast that provides an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the design process of popular TV shows and films. Each episode features interviews with renowned Set Decorators, Production Designers, Producers, Directors, and Actors, who share their design inspirations, stories, and insights on bringing sets to life on-screen. Tune in to Decorating Pages to explore the fascinating world of TV and film design and learn from some of Hollywood's most talented creators.