Decorating Pages: TV and Film Design

Decorating Pages: TV and Film Design

Kim Wannop - Set Decorator - 100th Episode!

December 28, 2022

Thank you for listening to 100 episodes of Decorating Pages! It's been an educational and rewarding experience to bring this podcast to you. I hope you have enjoyed hearing from some of the most creative people in the tv and film industry. I know I have learned so much from my guests and listening to their creative process. On this 100th episode, I recap some of my favorite guests, share what the top downloaded episodes were, who was the guest fan favorite and more.

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Decorating Pages is a podcast dedicated to taking you behind the scenes of the designs of your favorite TV shows and Films. Each episode I’ll be sharing design stories from some of Hollywoods most famous sets. I’ll have interviews from Set Decorators, Production Designers, Producers, Directors and Actors about creating the look of tv and film, about their design inspirations, and stories that take sets from page to screen.