Decipher SciFi: the show about how and why

Decipher SciFi: the show about how and why

Watchmen - Tulsa, nostalgia, and victorian spacesuits

June 23, 2020

Tulsa Massacre

The Black Wall Street Massacre. Detecting buried remains with ground-penetrating radar.


Doing splodey blue-balls on a city vs dropping a squid. “Saving” humanity. Narcissism. Super-genius space-prison escape plans. Spaceships vs submarines. Catapults, trebuchets, and escape velocity.

Dr Manhattan

Ol’ bluey. Creating life. Exploring the universe when you can be everywhere and everywhen at once. How and why would anyone want to blue themselves this way? The Dr Manhattan formula from human to complete lack of concern for humanity.


Chemical VR. An alternative route to Alzheimer’s treatment.

Watchmen - Adapting The Unadaptable by kaptainkristian: YouTube

Watchmen (2009 Film): iTunesPrime Video

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