Dear Wicked

Dear Wicked

Bringing the Inside Out

October 30, 2014

Tonight’s podcast was a first for us at DW. I had signed up to give a work shop at the Arlington Universalist Unitarian Church Pagan Pride Day Festival that was called The Cunning Work Sans Religion. Not by my choice, however it amused me.

I really had no idea what to do about this work shop. I knew I wanted to discuss the ability of witchcraft without bringing up Wicca or religion into the bargain. I sort of set it to the side until the last minute and decided that instead of a work shop I would do a podcast from the festival and discuss the topic with the brave souls who would sit at my table and voice their thoughts and feelings about the subject.

Needless to say I got a wonderful discussion going about tats and bringing the inner Self to the surface. No topic is taboo for me. I hope you enjoy listening to this podcast as much as I did making it.


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