Day in Tech History

Day in Tech History

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December 22, 1845: the First Euphonium
December 21, 2019

1845 – Today, we’re travelling to the Geek side of things. It’s not everyday that I get to talk about my other passion – Music. The Euphonium – often mistaken for a Tuba – was created. It was also coined in later years as “P.T. Barnums’ Euphonium.

December 21, 2000: Child Internet Protection Act into Law
December 20, 2019

2000 – President Bill Clinton signs the Child Internet Protection Act into law. The law is implemented to set rules for the web to expose them to pornography and sexual content. In 2003 the law will be challenged, but will be upheld.

December 20, 1996: Apple Buys NeXT
December 19, 2019

1996 – Steve Jobs started Apple. When he left Apple, he started NeXT. When Apple started to fall, Steve Jobs came back. Of course, having 2 computer companies is not a good idea – So why not buy it out?That is what Apple did. In a $400 Million deal,

December 19, 1974: Do it Yourself Altair Kit
December 18, 2019

1974 – Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) puts out the first ever “Do it yourself” Altair 8800. You would get it through Popular Mechanics Magazine, then assemble it yourself. This is a turning point in home computer setup.

December 18, 1926: Photon is Coined
December 17, 2019

1926 – The term “Photon” is coined. Of course a photon is the basic “unit” of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation. Newton Lewis is the one who coins the term. HTML 4.0 is published .au goes back to auDA Dan Hesse becomes CEO of Sprint.

December 17, 1989: First Simpsons Episode
December 16, 2019

1989 – The first full episode of the Simpsons airs on FOX TV network. 21 years and 1 movie later, the show still continues on strong. The cast stayed pretty much the same since 89. The Simpsons started on FOX as an animated short on the Tracy Ullman Sh...

December 16, 1994: Large Hadron Collider Approved
December 15, 2019

1994 – Although its only been in mainstream news for a couple years, the Large Hadron Collider has actually been around for many years now. On this day, for example, MacWorld

December 15, 1983: AltaVista Launches
December 14, 2019

1995 – At the turn of the Internet age, researchers at Digital Equipment Corporation, led by Paul Flaherty, Louis Monier and Michael Burrows, created a web crawler and indexer algorithm. The web program was launched on December 15th and called “AltaVis...

December 14, 1994: W3C Held First Meeting
December 13, 2019

1994 – The World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) held its first meeting at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Albert Vezza and

December 13, 1982: Atari 1200XL
December 12, 2019

1982 – After a decent success of the Atari 400/800 line the company noticed the console was looking a little “old”. After all, the Atari 400 actually discolors upon UV light. The 400’s non-tactile keyboard was replaced with the 800’s raised key keyboar...
