Day in Tech History

Day in Tech History

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December 30, 2008: Does Facebook Allow Breastfeeding?
December 29, 2019

2008 – Facebook made an initiative to remove any picture showing breastfeeding. In return, 11,000 women posted pictures in protest. On June 15, 2014, after the #FreeTheNipple campaign brought success, Facebook officially changed their stance on the sub...

December 29, 2004: Commodore Acquired
December 28, 2019

2004 – Once Commodore dropped from the market in the 80’s, it pretty much started bouncing around the world from company to company. Ultimately it landed in the lap of  KMOS – a Deleware company. However, on this day,

December 28, 1995: 200 Sites Blocked by Compuserve
December 27, 2019

1995 – Compuserve blocks access to over 200 sites that have explicit content. They do it to avoid issue with the German Government. The sites would be blocked until Feb 13, 1996 when all but 5 sites were restored.

December 27, 2001: HotJobs Acquired by Yahoo
December 26, 2019

2001 – Yahoo announces that they will acquire 98.6 percent of the outstanding stock to Sun Microsystems discontinues

December 26, 2007: Apple Hits $200 a share
December 25, 2019

2007 – With iTunes just signing a deal with FOX and their content for iTunes, stocks pushed upward to $200 a share. It was the first time Apple hit that barrier, and promptly dropped after. The company has been up and down,

December 25, 1998: Official Y2K Compliance
December 24, 2019

1998 – during the last couple years of the 20th century, the race was on to fix an oversight in multiple computer systems. The problem was dubbed “Y2K” or the Millennium bug. Bottom line was that all computers worked on a 2 digit year system instead of...

December 24: Watch out for Werewolves
December 23, 2019

An interesting fact: Russian folklore believed that December 24th was the day people could be turned into Werewolves. Any child that is born on December 24th would be considered a werewolf. There are many ways to detect a werewolf – bristles under the ...

December 23, 2008: Santa Claus via Google Earth
December 22, 2019

2008 – Santa Claus is spotted on Google Earth. Of course the story of St. Nicholas is an interesting one that doesn’t really involve religion. But now we know where he resides, thanks to Google! Of course, watching Santa’s route is big for children,

December 22, 1845: the First Euphonium
December 21, 2019

1845 – Today, we’re travelling to the Geek side of things. It’s not everyday that I get to talk about my other passion – Music. The Euphonium – often mistaken for a Tuba – was created. It was also coined in later years as “P.T. Barnums’ Euphonium.

December 21, 2000: Child Internet Protection Act into Law
December 20, 2019

2000 – President Bill Clinton signs the Child Internet Protection Act into law. The law is implemented to set rules for the web to expose them to pornography and sexual content. In 2003 the law will be challenged, but will be upheld.
