More Than True

More Than True

Duck Down, Quack Up, peeking duck

March 03, 2021

Duck Calls? We have answers. On the record.


Two men walk into a bar.

It is at this point in the joke  a spectator stands UP from the crowd, having seen something and wishing to report, and says :

“Why are they men?“

And the Comedian says,

“I’m sorry, but this is a sexist joke.” 


Greatest fear: someone will shout "Duck" whilst I'm looking at a duck and I am then hit by a random flying object. Probably a duck in statuette form.

A man came into a bar. 

This is not a dirty joke.

It was dark inside because it is a dark joke because the proprietor had failed to pay the bill. 

Coincidentally, the proprietor was a duck. 

Funny things happen in jokes, the world over.

The bar was called “the duck billed platypus” which was often a point of confusion. 

"But what’s in a name, anyway?” the proprietor quacked. Just a moniker. 

Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore!”

“No one asked you,” said the duck.

Then the raven lobbed a projectile toward the duck. 

Who failed to duck. And was thusly taken out in an untimely manner. Timing was off. Just enough to cause trouble.

The projectile was a cuckoo clock which had stopped. Twice a day corrected.

Even though it had stopped it made quite an impact upon the duck, effecting the disposition of the bill. All clocks stop eventually.

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day 

regardless of the impact upon the bill.

                                 Sometimes a broken clock takes time.

Hospitality isn’t all it’s quacked up to be.

Remember TO duck 

when the time comes 

because time flies.

The duck billed the platypus three dollars and forty-seven cents.

"Cents? cents? Don't make no sense," said the irate duck billed platypus, waiving the bill in the air.

"You say it ain't fair?" said the duck.

"I say it ain't square!" said the platypus.

It was quite a confrontation hanging in the air.

Now, the duck billed platypus, he was no fool. He had done and gone to finishing school. He knew what was what, and the meaning of is, he was not new to this turnip truck biz.

"If you don't like it," said the duck to his prey, "why don't you just up and fly away?"

"Mayhaps I will," said the platypus. "Mayhaps I will."

Because the duck billed platypus had finally had his fill. Of the duck and his quack, of the thumb and it's tack, and he was not prepared to say when he would be back.

"Now see here," said the duck, but the platypus didn't hear, 

Didn’t hear quack. He had flown to New Zealand, Jack.

Every other duck is odd. That’s just ducky.

That’s the way a duck operates.

The Duck double billed the platypus over a plate of flapjacks. It was a society flap.