X & Y On The Fly - Dating Podcast | Love | Sex | Relationships

X & Y On The Fly - Dating Podcast | Love | Sex | Relationships

Episode 62--X & Y On The Fly--Stand By Your Man...Or Your Woman

April 23, 2021

In 1968, Tammy Wynette released probably her most famous single, which caused immediate outrage from the Women's Movement. But Wynette countered by saying 'stand by your man' simply meant accepting one's husband despite his faults. But still, by today's standards the song might evoke even more vitriolic outrage. Yet, a recent Facebook post brought up how men are always taught how to treat a woman, but teaching women how to treat a man would be anachronistic at best, sexist or even patriarchal oppression at worst. So what's up with that? Are women just teaching their daughters how to stay away from men? Do the so-called 'red pill' guys and #MGTOW have a point when they decry the double standard? Well, Emily and I throw all of this on the table, along with the sandwich she just made me (kidding). But there's a lot to talk about here. I mean, obviously both women AND men should stand by each other in a relationship, right? But not everyone deserves what they want here. When does loyalty turn into being a doormat? And what happens when men don't WANT to be 'treated', and just want to be left alone to do stuff themselves? Can't people in relationships just do right by each other, and like it? I mean, if we don't stand together we'll inevitably grow apart...right? Go to https://scotandemily.com/podcast, where you can schedule a free 25-minute call with us to talk about your future, and getting you into the right relationship.

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