Date Night

Date Night

Dating My Ex: The Mysterious Flow of Love

July 20, 2015


The Creature

Seek the permanence of dominance

We hold over the mold and the fold of our measured time

A treasure improbable

But utterly unstoppable

Love. I can’t get enough of it. I think I’m in love with. Nothing else above it.


When it fades like the aging and the ultimate staging of the end

And we see the destruction around the bend

A Dear John letter we must send

To show a reality we must befriend before boats arrive at shore.


What’s more important than knowing what movie will be showing as the curtains close

On the elegant prose

Of some single rose

While another blooms in the next room, leaving the tomb

Of an old sight seen while the crew calls next scene

Like some desperate

Act of the obscene

We must come clean by gleaning meaning of the previous screening

For our carriage is careening around many bends

And what could be more important than the trends of the ends of those bends?


Einstein said you confuse

Your passing Time with the present Rhythm

But it's more like a personal prism than a two dimensional prison

If you want to improve your vision, dry your eyes mate, and see clearly

The moment is yours and you own it, don’t let the present moment disown it.


When our paths cross again in this world of unoriginal sin

I will hand over your treasure

With cheeks wide with pleasure

For the past is something to be measured.