Date Night

Date Night

Mad Ones

February 09, 2015

People will tell you that you choose who you are. A day will come when you need that advice. Age brings some affirmation that what you create has a place. The last part of success is believing in yourself.

I didn’t expect that to ever happen.

I had a weird thing happen to me in college. I wanted so bad to have the college experience. I wanted everything. I was so open, I felt lost. It wasn’t as dreadful as it sounds. Being lost has a certain type of weightlessness to it. Imagine being a head space where failure isn’t fearful. That place is nice. The weird thing is, I didn’t carry with me the life I lived before, as a kid. I didn’t keep my preferences. I became someone with no history, no accomplishments, no likes or dislikes. I turn 29 on friday and things are changing ever so slightly but changing nonetheless.  That person before college… I’m starting to remember him. My preferences are coming back unconsciously.

A sudden memory of something forgotten.

I tend to think forward. When someone asks me if I have always wanted to do a podcast,

I answer no, not really.

But the reality is, I used to stay alone in my room staring at the shapes of shadows on the walls listening to whatever talk radio I could get tuned in. I remember my biggest anxieties were scratchy sounds and the unknown machinations of the radio stations what would reschedule my favorite show an hour too early or an hour too late.

Look at the moment right now it seems I’ve naturally gravitated almost by accident to something I used to dream about. I am happy with it.

But I didn’t do it on purpose. I think my heart finally cooked my brain and led me to a place where I could feel satisfied. What about the people who don’t have this feature? If i knew how to accomplish this natural sense of identity, I could share it, I could keep it, I could repeat it.

What if you know who you are, What if know what you need to become, but you never land in quite the exact spot to realize it? So yes, you choose who you become but that doesn’t tell you much does it? Choice is inherently complicated. When it comes to identity, it might be damn near impossible...

Choose wisely.

Although of course, you end up becoming yourself.
You can find datenight on Itunes by searching Date Night. Date Night's twitter handle is @Redcityimages. All photos are provided by We humbly appreciate any and all Itunes reviews and shout out on twitter.