Date Night

Date Night

Two Things I Believe

October 23, 2014

Here are two things I believe:

Appreciate What You Have and Never Settle.

If you are dating, I’m sure you know the difficulty in balancing these two things.  If your partner lacks x, you might say well look at how fucking awesome y and z are.

You’d be right to do so.

You might also say well x seems like a small concession now but as we get further along  the new relationship energy will wane and X is going to look you right in the eye and be the lesson you never learned.

You’d be right to do so.

Is this the insecurity of youth? I plan to renounce all my opinions at the age of 75. All my X’s will become my y’s and z’s. Sometimes, I feel like I’m just like everyone I know.

I think about the people in my life and I’m glad they challenge me in some way.   One of my friends doesn’t like hip hop and never dances around in her underwear. While originally aghast at this modern tragedy, it’s become an affectionate fact which elicits an involuntary smile every time I think about it.  What kind of person doesn’t dance in their underwear? Who does that? THAT PERSON.

But can we ignore our differences?

Do you believe nothing is strong enough to withstand change? Or is that adapting to change is the point of your education?

I suppose we are lucky that things aren’t so black and white. However it’s not that gray is all that much better.  Hiding behind the curtain of the uncertain comfort of apathy. Passive aggressively running in circles.

Although of course no matter how you decide the navigate the waters. Eventually you will become yourself.

I want to know what you think. Hit me up on Twitter @redcityimages or OkCupid RoscoeRCTID. Tell me where you are at, what is your x? Are you taking the black, giving the white, or lost in the gray.


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