Date Night

Date Night

Finding Your Tribe

October 19, 2014

Welcome to Date Night. This is a podcast where two people go on a date but instead of going out they record themselves talk. I usually do an intro for these podcasts. The podcast is a little unusual, a little rough around the edges, and a source for missed expectations.

I suppose it’s par for the course. What the fuck is this project? What’s the point? Why does it exist?

I didn’t want to record an introduction for this podcast because it’s one that really challenged me to think about why I do this project. The majority of guests on Date Night have been talented people with an increased sense of curiosity.  My guest this week definitely fits that category. However, she sparked my interest for another reason. She has developed a great maturity in knowing herself and what she needs. Something I still struggle with. She’s looking for her tribe. Something bigger than her and her significant other. It’s a society that will bend with heartbreak but will not break the path that lead there.

Her strength in her conviction made me think about everyone who has been on Date Night. Most of the guests are now my friends. It struck me that everyone that has come on the pod has been looking for their tribe in one way or another.  Everyone looking a little differently but luckily every tribe is a little different.

Broadening the thought- Dating as a whole is about finding your tribe.

I sit soaking sun in my favorite park. I see kids at soccer, a young couple, and an old man walking alone.

Finding your tribe.
