Radio America News

Radio America News

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Is Trump Second-Guessing Decision to Ditch Climate Deal?
September 18, 2017

Key White House officials are denying any change in President Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords, but supporters of Trump's position are increasingly concerned by the growing number of treaty supporters in the president's inner ci

America's Stunning Civic Illiteracy
September 15, 2017

A new survey shows huge swaths of the American people don't know the most basic tenets of our government, and a Hillsdale College politics professor says the lack of knowledge is playing a huge role in the politics of outrage and violence since the perpet

'I'm Afraid the President is Getting Rolled'
September 14, 2017

President Trump and Democratic Party leaders in Congress say they are closing in on a deal that would have Congress enshrining the legal status of illegal immigrants who came here as children in exchange for what Trump calls "massive border security," but

McInerney Sizes up War 16 Years After 9/11
September 12, 2017

On Monday, Americans observed a solemn remembrance of the lives lost in the horrific terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, but retired U.S. Air Force Lt. General Tom McInerney says victory will be tough to achieve unless the U.S. gets serious about spe

'It's Whack Job Economics'
September 11, 2017

Five Senate Democrats are now publicly endorsing a government-run, single-payer health care system in a sign the party is quickly rallying to that goal, however the idea promises to be a financial and regulatory nightmare that should compel Republicans to

Hope In the Midst of Harvey's Misery
August 31, 2017

The devastation wrought by Hurricane Harvey is hard to even fathom for residents along the Texas coast, but as the heroic rescues continue, the harrowing individual stories are emerging, including the dramatic saving of family members of a local reporter.

Is GOP Ready for Fiscal Fights?
August 30, 2017

Congress returns to Washington next week with a full plate of urgent fiscal issues awaiting it, but how well-prepared are the Republican majorities to tackle these priorities in a fiscally disciplined way and respond to Democratic opposition? Lawmakers w

Humans Aren't Responsible for Harvey
August 29, 2017

Within the dramatic coverage of Hurricane Harvey and the historic flooding that ensued, the mainstream media repeatedly assert that climate changes triggered by human activity are responsible for the amount of devastation seen along the Texas coast, but a

Why Cops Are Standing Down in Berkeley and Beyond
August 28, 2017

On Sunday, a large group of Antifa activists descended upon a small number of people the group surmised were supporters of President Trump and assaulted them viciously while Berkeley, California, police largely stood by, and policing expert Heather Mac Do

'They're Furious at Our Senators'
August 25, 2017

Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Arizona, is fully behind President Trump's demand for full congressional funding for a border wall and both he and his constituents are exasperated with the state's two Republican senators for offering no solutions of their to overhaul