Data Crunch

Data Crunch

Latest Episodes

Statistics Done Wrong—A Woeful Podcast Episode
March 26, 2019

Statistics are misused and abused, sometimes even unintentionally, in both scientific and business settings. Alex Reinhart, author of the book "Statistics Done Wrong: The Woefully Complete Guide" talks about the most common errors people make when tryi...

Getting into Data Science
February 28, 2019

What does it take to become a data scientist? We speak with three people who have become data scientists in the last three years and find out what it takes, in their opinions, to land a data science job and to be prepared for a career in the field.

Automated Machine Learning with TransmogrifAI
January 31, 2019

Would you rather take a year to develop a proprietary algorithm for your company that has an accuracy of 95% or use an open source platform that takes a day to develop an algorithm that has nearly the same accuracy? In most business cases,

The Data Scientist's Journey with Nic Ryan
December 28, 2018

What does it take to become a data scientist? Nic Ryan has been in the field for over a decade and answered thousands of questions from people looking to get into the field. In this episode, he talks about his journey into data science and his experien...

Cutting-Edge Computational Chemistry Enabled by Deep Learning
November 27, 2018

Machine learning is becoming a bigger part of chemistry as of the last two or three years. Industries need to have people trained in both fields, and it's taken time for them to make their way into this sector.

Python and the Open Source Community
October 24, 2018

Python versus R. It's a heated debate. We won't solve this raging controversy today, but we will peek into the history of Python, particularly in the open source community surrounding it, and see how it came to be what it is today—a well used and flexi...

Machine Learning, Big Data, and Your Family History
September 26, 2018

How can artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning benefit your family? These technologies are moving into every field, industry, and hobby, including what some say is the United State's second most popular hobby, family history.

Machine Learning Takes on Diabetes
August 31, 2018

When Bryan Mazlish's son was diagnosed with Type I diabetes, there were unexpected challenges. Managing diabetes on a day-to-day basis was tough, so he hacked into his son's insulin pump and continuous glucose monitor to create the world's first ambula...

Digital Twins, the Internet of Things, and Machine Learning
July 31, 2018

In a world where so many things are Internet connected, how is machine learning playing a role? Bruce Sinclair speaks with us about the intersection of IoT, AI/ML, and the digital twin.

Building a Machine Learning Company that Decodes Web Analytics, with Per Damgaard
June 28, 2018

The most important thing is to have an AI-enable infrastructure. It sounds very boring, but that was the learning that I got from the bank as well. It’s actually very easy for us to build the model, but what took a long time was to have the AI infrastr...