

Sstupidity virus got this one.

November 18, 2014

Damn! It's DamnWeek again! After weeks of her absence, Holly has joined us for this week's podcast to discuss a lot of stupidity that made the news. From a guy advertising for a fake family to another man stuck in the walls of a Marshall's store, to a woman that was assaulted for putting her foot in her mouth. Alas, we find that these people might've been involved in these events because of the direct result of a recently discovered virus they each could have known as the '"stupidity virus." Starting over in Cleveland, where if you're a single woman with a child you could be up for sale. A man there listed an ad on Craigslist looking for a fake family in order to increase his salary. The ad was pulled by Craigslist once enough people realized this was not a joke and were creeped out by it. Moving onto Colorado, where a would-be burglar wasted law enforcements time when he needed their assistance in being pulled out of the wall he was trapped inside. Seeing as his original plan to rob the Marshall's store led him to his predicament, only one word comes to mind..karma. And over in Colma California, a woman claims she was punched in the face twice by a Mother who did not appreciate her telling her to calm down her screaming child. Isn't it strange that the child did not know how to handle their temper tantrum when their Mother clearly knows how to handle her own temper...And finally, over in Nebraska where scientists made a discovery that explains these individuals may be suffering from the "stupidity virus" that almost half the population apparently has. So now we know how the Kardashian's got famous!