

Sexy Stalin

November 03, 2014

Boo! Welcome to DamnWeek! This week our show centers around Halloween and what a scary week we've had including: Walmart fat shaming, Honey Boo Boo's Mom pedophile rekindling, and Lake Tahoe putting a stop to bear selfie's. Starting with Walmart upsetting many people with their store's online costume section offering a new size, "fat girl," this new addition caused Walmart to remove the section and extend many apologies via twitter. Doesn't Walmart get that they don't need to title their clothing so derogatory when if you are buying clothing from Walmart, generally speaking, you're probably of a larger size. A good example of someone that most likely buys their clothing at Walmart? Mama June from Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. The TLC show has been canceled all do to Mama's disgusting reunion with her former boyfriend, Mark McDaniel, convicted child molester. The disturbing union is made even worse with Mark's former victim being Mama's own daughter! The show may be titled, Here comes Honey Boo Boo, but no one wants to see Mark on the show coming for her. Speaking of horrible news, over in Lake Tahoe, you can no longer get your selfie taken with a bear, it has now been outlawed. Apparently, there had been a large number of people randomly taking selfie's with bears there, making tinder guy pictures with tigers so last season. All this news plus an extra spooky game for Halloween