Damn Pugwampi

Damn Pugwampi

Thanks for all the fish

December 19, 2016

Hey y’all. I know it’s been a while since the last update, and I’m sorry for that.
These last few weeks of not needing to worry about editing and updating the podcast have been heaven. We played a Wrath of the Righteous game while Loony was out, and we started Princessmaker again just a few weeks ago. During this time, I realized just how negatively this endeavor impacted our actual gaming. Worries of recording failure and the ever present stress of poor audio quality from old microphones or internet lag really did a number on our group.  Without that hanging over our heads, we’ve been able to enjoy the game more than ever before.
Because of this fact, along with my ever decreasing amount of free time, I’ve decided to officially end Damn Pugwampi. Everything will still be available on damnpugwampi.com until the end of April when my hosting service runs out.  I’m also appending a .zip file of the whole archive to this post for ease of downloading, if you’re into that.
It’s insane to me that I’ve posted 140 episodes of this nonsense. Close to 2 weeks of audio, played straight through. I don’t really know how many of you are out there, but I want to thank you all for listening along. I sincerely hope that this show was a positive influence on the world.
Have a great life, and as always, look out for those Damn Pugwampi.
Archive Download (~14gb)