The Daily Grind Podcast

The Daily Grind Podcast

Ep. 529 John Vuong

December 02, 2020

About John
John is a seasoned sales professional and Internet marketer with an exceptional track record helping companies grow their clientele and profits. Through 15 years of experience working with CEOs, business owners, and marketing leaders at some of Canada’s most successful corporations, John developed a deep understanding of local marketing dynamics and consumer behavior. John’s entrepreneurial spirit and experience working with more than 5,000 local business owners inspired him to start his own company, Local SEO Search, in 2013.
Top 3 Takeaway
1. Find a gap in the marketplace, people who are willing to pay for it, then fill that gap. 
2. If you want to become an entrepreneur, you have to learn sales. It is the heartbeat of your business. 
3. Your local small businesses need our help, we need to support them. 
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