The Daily Grind Podcast

The Daily Grind Podcast

Ep. 521 Dre Baldwin

September 22, 2020

Who Is Dre Baldwin?
For the past 15 years, "DreAllDay" has changed the lives of over 60 million entrepreneurs, athletes, and business professionals, sold thousands of copies of his books, courses, and programs, pioneered personal branding through content and built a business that helps tens of thousands of people master their "Game" in business, sports and in life, from the inside-out.

Key Moments

Started playing sports at a young age
Even though he wasn't highly recruited he knew he one day would play professional basketball
Dre had an internal drive to prove to himself that what other people thought weren't true
Dre was offered his first contract in Lithuania and was on a year to year contract
He got into entrepreneurship by reading Tim Ferris and following his principle to test a product

Top 3 Takeaways

Belief and hard work will lead to your desired results.
Quantity will always out way quality. 
Share your journey and others will become interested in what you do. 

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