Daily Blogcast for Internet Marketing

Daily Blogcast for Internet Marketing

Kill It With Teespring - John Chow Is Giving It A Try (Ep. 099)

March 27, 2014

In this episode with special guest David Ford from AFFPlaybook, he shares his experiences with working with the Teespring affiliate program to make some money selling custom shirts for gamer fans via Facebook.  Teespring is like a Kickstarter platform for t-shirt sales.  You set a goal on how many shirts to sell by x number of days and people pre-order them.  If the goal is met, the shirts are made and you make a commission.  David also shared an awesome resource for finding out what is hot on Teespring : teeview.phatograph.com

John Chow recently blogged about this and actually has an active campaign.  In his post “I Can’t Keep Calm, I’m A Blogger” he announced that he was going to give it a try after meeting the the guys from Teespring over at the recent Affiliate Summit in Las Vegas.  I would imagine he could sell millions with his fan base and make a hefty commission, but it looks like he set a goal of only 50 shirts.  I am sure he will hit that with no problem.

If you would like to hear more about affiliate marketing and maybe even a specific area, please let us know by leaving a comment below.  If you would like to contact David Ford, you can reach him via twitter @davidford13

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