Dad Tired

Dad Tired

The Skill of Fatherhood (with Jefferson Bethke)

January 27, 2019

What would it look like to raise children who saw themselves has part of a multi-generational team, sent out by God to be used for his redemption of the world? Are these the type of children you’re currently raising? Do you have a plan to instill this type of thinking into their hearts?

The truth is, it’s not easy. It doesn’t come naturally for most of us. And, it takes a ridiculous amount of intentionality as a father.

In this episode, join Jerrad Lopes and Jefferson Bethke as they talk about what Biblical parenting looks like practically in 2019.


Also, be sure to go to and use the promo code DADTIRED at checkout to get $20 OFF the most comprehensive parenting course for fathers on the internet.