Dad Tired

Dad Tired

Praying Points Your Family To A Better God

December 10, 2018

When we asked the wives of the Dad Tired community what they thought was one of the best ways a husband can be the spiritual leader of their home, without question, the number one answer was "To pray with us". Wives desperately want their husbands to lead them and their kids in prayer. The truth is, however, most guys don't pray with their wife and kids. Some feel awkward, some have no idea how, and some are fearful of what their wife might want to pray about; worried that it could lead to bringing up issues they've been trying to push under the rug. In this episode, join host Jerrad Lopes as he addresses the likely reason you aren't praying with your family, and more importantly, what it would look like to practically step up in this way. As a bonus, make sure to stick around to the very end of the episode where Jerrad addresses specific questions about prayer from the Dad Tired community.