Dad Spotlight - Helping You Be The Best Dad, Father and Parent You Can!

Dad Spotlight - Helping You Be The Best Dad, Father and Parent You Can!

Creating a Legacy For Yourself and For Your Kids with Brad Coleman – EP 133

June 06, 2017

This week on the Dad Spotlight Podcast we are bringing you Brad Coleman of The Fatherhood Fraternity . Today we are talking to Brad Coleman about Legacy and what impact do you hope to have on this world?

Becoming a father in the last few years made him start thinking about legacy. When you have kids who you are helping will resonate into who your kids impact too. Thus, it is extremely important to show your kids about what it means to be a good human and a good leader.

Brad Coleman recently has noticed that his kids act and behave in ways that mimic things that he does. When it comes to acting more intentionally, Brad Coleman states that you need to be more mindful and training yourself to have more discipline in how you react to your kids. You also have to be present and aware of yourself to see yourself through an external perspective.

For his boys, Brad Coleman has started to explain to his kids the why for the things that we do instead of just saying do this because I said to do this. He finds that he is able to do this more as his son gets older. This is also important if you have multiple kids as your older child will then emulate and show their sibling how to do things and will treat them.

Brad Coleman said that he does not want his boys to grow up in a bubble. He wants his boys to see that there is a larger worldview and that they are privileged in the world that they live in. Some of this comes from a foundation in faith, but it also comes from conversations and actively participating in volunteer activities to show his kids the importance of giving back to others.

Through getting involved in these activities, he has had to start having some conversations with his boys about important topics of race, religion and difference. He has to think about what do you talk about when. You want to expose your kids at the right time, but there is a fine line and balance in this too. These conversations and actions help to form a worldview.

The Fatherhood Fraternity is a site that is not just about being a dad and not just about being a husband. The site is about being a man. There are many roles that we play as a man, and this site helps you regain your identity as a man. The best way to access the community and have some very candid conversations about maleness and fatherhood is to join the Facebook community.

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