Dad Spotlight - Helping You Be The Best Dad, Father and Parent You Can!

Dad Spotlight - Helping You Be The Best Dad, Father and Parent You Can!

Fashion for Dads and Making a Transition to change Your Life – EP 130

May 26, 2017

This week in the Dads Toolbox we are bringing you Andrew Bentley of Father Figure to talk about Fashion for Dads and Making a Transition to change Your Life.
The idea of making a change in his life came after the birth of his child and taking a leave from working at Google. Listen to his son, soothe him and loved learning about how to care for him. He studied mindfulness to better be able to care for himself and his son.
He started to research and tried to think about how he would resign his own experience in being a dad. He looked at other dads through interviews and tried to see about how dads are and are not validated. As he was having these interviews he found that most of the parenting products for kids are geared toward mothers. He started to sketch clothes that felt good, but were also functional for working with kids.

He launched a Kickstarter in summer 2016 and found that if he made enough in the Kickstarter he would start the company. He raised $30,000 and went into production. In October he left Google to be full time caregiver for his son and he ran his company on the side.
The clothes from the Father Figure company is surrounded by comfort. You do not have to be hip to wear this. The materials are made to be comfortable and also is made to help you look good. The company also has accessories too that can do with the clothes and can look more masculine.
Andrew Bentley stated that when you are a new dad you do not have a lot of time to make decisions. Find some clothes that you love and that feel good. He recommends American made clothing as well as comfortable clothing. He says he is a loyalist so once he finds a brand, he will double down and get a few shirts, pants, etc in different colors. Think about the fabrics, colors, etc when purchasing as well.

Father Figure offers three products right now. Two shirts and bandana burp rags. This is for dads that have kids up to a year in age. The first shirt, the Lucca T-Shirt is a paternity T-Shirt and is not only comfortable and has a loose neck, but it has loops for toys or other items to carry with you but also a more padded area for the shoulder area where you will be carrying and soothing your child. The clothes in general have been created to aid dads in engaging and interacting with their children.
The goal with this line is to continuing building out clothes as kids get older. He asks himself, what do you need when you have a toddler or a school-age child. Andrew Bentley wants to build the first lifestyle brand for dads.In his founding documents he has made it legally bound to work to help dads to build and encourage the bond between father and child.
Learn more at:
Website –
Facebook –
Twitter – FatherFigure
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