Dad Spotlight - Helping You Be The Best Dad, Father and Parent You Can!

Dad Spotlight - Helping You Be The Best Dad, Father and Parent You Can!

Building Your Own Self-Confidence One Day At A Time With Brad Finkeldei – EP 129

May 22, 2017

This week on the Dad Spotlight Podcast we are bringing you a special interview with Brad Finkeldei, a self-confidence coach and best-selling author of the book the Mindset Shift share’s his personal story today with us about his transformation from no confidence to confidence.
Like many dads Brad Finkeldei had to go through a journey to be able to find self-confidence in the role that he was playing as a father, a husband and as a man in general. Brad Finkeldei started his journey in 2013. He made a large move for work that he thought was right. He bought his dream house, had a good job, but something still was not right. He had everything that he should have to be happy but he was not happy. He reached out to a life coach and through this he found that he was not a confident person.

Through working with the life coach and other trainings he found that he needed to work on his self-confidence to be better in everything that he does. Meditation has allowed him to get into a better place in his mind. Brad Finkeldei also said that you have ask yourself the question, “what’s it like to be you” and get to better understand what it takes to be in your own shoes. By asking yourself this question and allowing others to also answer this question, you are opening yourself up to vulnerability.
At first some people, and even your family may not want to open up and be candid in their responses. To open them up be vulnerable with them too and this may open a door for them to share information that will help you be a better dad. Being vulnerable is not always an easy thing for men to do.
Brad Finkeldei said that he went to a speaker training and the main speaker left the audience with a tag line that said “If You’re Nervous, Go Into Service.” You have to think of others in all that you do and the more that you turn the conversation from you to others, the more you can become more confident and be a better dad.   Butcher Box is a company that gives you easy access to grass-fed beef, pork and chicken. Their goal is to make grass-fed beef, pork and chicken more accessible than ever before. We have tried this meat and it is simply amazing. Because of this we have partnered with them to offer you an amazing deal. If you make a ButcherBox order for your family you will get $10 OFF your order and some Ribeyes (2 x 10oz). Sound good? Order Today!

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