Dad Spotlight - Helping You Be The Best Dad, Father and Parent You Can!

Dad Spotlight - Helping You Be The Best Dad, Father and Parent You Can!

Engaging With Your Kids & Creating Something Awesome with Matt Mickelson – EP 127

May 17, 2017

This week on the Dad Spotlight we are bringing you Matt Mickelson who created a star wars movie with his daughters that was just amazing. A couple of years ago he made a blade runner video and recently his kids were bored and said they wanted to make a movie with their dad. He had a green screen so he decided to have some fun and make a star wars video using the green screen. When he made a trailer he had a huge amount of people that watched this so he decided to break the movie into three parts. As more people saw this, they found more people that had very cool costumes that they had created that also wanted to be a part of the movie. Matt mentioned that his favorite character to make was recreating the Han Solo character for himself. Matt Mickelson mentioned that he hopes to continue to be able to make amazing videos in the future and also continue to create videos with his daughters, encouraging and supporting them in their own growth.  
You can See More of Matt Mickelson’s videos on his youtube page and you can learn more about him on his own website. Butcher Box is a company that gives you easy access to grass-fed beef, pork and chicken. Their goal is to make grass-fed beef, pork and chicken more accessible than ever before. We have tried this meat and it is simply amazing. Because of this we have partnered with them to offer you an amazing deal. If you make a ButcherBox order for your family you will get $10 OFF your order and some Ribeyes (2 x 10oz). Sound good? Order Today!

If you have not yet gotten your free guide: 15 Low Cost Ways To Engage With Your Kids – Pick it up today
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