Dad Spotlight - Helping You Be The Best Dad, Father and Parent You Can!

Dad Spotlight - Helping You Be The Best Dad, Father and Parent You Can!

Joyful Courage with Casey O’Roarty – EP 124

April 29, 2017

This week in the Dads Toolbox we have Casey O’Roarty who is a Positive Discipline Trainer, Parent Coach at Joyful Courage. Joyful Courage is about showing up, grateful for the opportunity to practice being our best self, even when it is hard to do.  My mission is to work with parents in a way that broadens their perspective on parenting, behavior and this life long journey we are all walking together…  To offer a space for parents to clarify and explore what it means to move and love from their center.
Mom of two. Joyful courage came about because of being trained in positive discipline. At the time she was reading a lot of Brene Brown’s works and connected to the ideas of courage. In her evolution as a parent she found that it took a lot of courage to say that as a mom she did not have everything figured out.
Taking our lens and turning it inward and unpacking almost everything, recognizing that while our kids are seeing the world in new ways we are as well. If we are willing to be courageous, we can learn and grow with.

* Raising our children by growing ourselves.
* Joyful is light and parenting can feel heavy at time. What does it look like when we come from a place of lightness.
* Letting go of How and dreaming big. Instead of As soon as my kids then I can ________. Instead just do!

How do you do this
If you know that you have some self internal work to do you have to get used to your patterns that show up when you are stressed or angry in areas such as:

* thoughts
* physical
* emotional

By getting to know myself I can start to make changes. If you can change the experience of your body you can give yourself room to change.
Casey O’Roarty has alarms on her phone that reminds her to check in on her body as this gets her more attuned to her body so that it becomes familiar.
The other thing revolves around positive discipline.
The most powerful thing that we have to influence behavior is the relationship that we have with our kids. So spending special time with your children can make large scale differences.

* Positive Discipline – Dr. Jane Nelson

* Positive Discipline: The Classic Guide to Helping Children Develop Self-Discipline, Responsibility, Cooperation, and Problem-Solving Skills

* Positive Discipline Association

Find out More!

* Joyful Courage Website
* Joyful Courage Podcast

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