Cut The Fat Weight Loss Podcast

Cut The Fat Weight Loss Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 70: Becoming A Weight Loss Pro Part 1 – The Secret To Weight Loss Success
January 06, 2014

In this episode of Cut The Fat Podcast, we’re going to discuss a philosophy that is critical to your success with burning fat and achieving a lean body this year! Based on the concepts taught by Steven Pressfield in his amazing books,

Episode 69: Weight Loss Motivation Tips
September 09, 2013

During this podcast episode, Blythe and Ray discuss the true purpose of motivation and how to apply it in real life so that you get the most benefit from the fleeting sensation of motivation. As you’ll learn in this episode on weight loss motivation,

Episode 68: Making Fat Loss Stick
August 28, 2013

In this episode Dr. Ray gets interviewed by Jonathan Bailor on his excellent podcast, The Smarter Science of Slim. - The discussion for this episode is centered around the mindset needed for long-term fat loss success.

Episode 67: Crazy Things Fat Loss Experts Say
June 18, 2013

In today's episode Blythe and I do a little "Fat Loss Free-styling" where we "chew the fat", so to speak, about fat loss. - We discuss a number of things that we hear "fat loss expert" say that we feel is not entirely accurate or is actually downright...

Episode 66: It’s NOT All About Carbs!
May 20, 2013

Recently a listerner, Sam, wrote us about our position on low-carb eating. He referenced an article on ( that seemed to contradict our approach to fat loss. In the article, titled Low-

Episode 65: The Magic Is In The Fundamentals of Fat Loss
April 19, 2013

In this episode, we're going to hit the reset button and go back to the fundamentals... Why eating fruits and vegetables is so important and why the research supports the addition of foods that are low on the "energy density" scale. We often get caught

Episode 64: Unleash The Power of The Female Brain With Dr. Daniel Amen
April 02, 2013

In this episode we interview Dr. Daniel Amen, author of the book, "Unleash The Power of the Female Brain"... During the interview we'll discuss the difference between the female brain and the male brain and how to use that information to cultivate more w

Episode 63: How Often Should I Eat To Lose Weight
February 13, 2013

The topic of meal frequency has not been a topic of much controversy because most experts just assumed that eating 4-6 small meals per day was superior to 3 meals or less per day. Assumptions are a dangerous thing... What does the science say about meal

Episode 62: The Carb Curfew & Mailbag
December 19, 2012

In today's episode, we go through the mailbag to answer questions that were posted on our Facebook page. In addition, we discuss a very interesting study sent to us by Andrea, one of our awesome listeners! The study, titled "Greater Weight Loss And Hormo

Episode 61: Meal Replacements for Weight Loss – What’s Their Place
November 09, 2012

Should you use meal replacements when trying to lose weight or are they just a crutch? If so, how do you get the most out of them? In today's podcast episode, we cover the topic of the role of meal replacement shakes, how they differ from meal adjuvant s
