Changing the Course

Changing the Course

Martino Cartier: "America’s most sought-after stylist" by W Magazine and Founder of "Wigs and Wishes"

May 13, 2020

Martino Cartier has been named "America's most sought after stylist" by W Magazine, but even more impressive than his styling abilities are big heart, open mind and extraordinary ability to inspire all those he comes in contact with. As founder of Wigs and Wishes, Martino ensures that ANYONE who needs a wig due to illness, gets one, no questions asked. As creator of innovative and cutting edge hair styling products he has shown us all that sometimes good people are rewarded by finding more and more good with every turn they take. During corona time, Martino's acts of kindness are touching thousands who in turn are inspired to act similarily. On a recent FB live he raised $43,000 in just 2 hours and is helping the Hatzolah organization and Eli Beer save millions of lives with his generous contribution. Martino! Keep it up- the world needs more people like you!