Changing the Course

Changing the Course

Dr. Abdu Sharkawy provides daily updates for the CBC of Canada - when his FB post went viral, he instantly became recognizable across the globe

March 27, 2020

Dr. Abdu Sharkawy who is seen regularly on CTV of Canada and was recently interviewed on the Dr. Phil Show, wrote a Facebook post on March 5, that went viral.   Dr. Sharkawy detailed his concern that all reason would be lost in the face of the intense feelings of panic everyone is experiencing, March 5 seems like a long time ago and much has changed in the world since then.  Dr. Sharkway, from the front lines, is not afraid to admit, that he, along with many other medical professionals,  may have initially underestimated the fierceness of this virus,   As days progress and the virus spreads we must be socially and morally responsible and work to stop this virus by keeping our distance, however difficult that may be.  Be prepared, not scared and do your part to help put an end to the Coronavirus.  Listen to this Episode with this powerful doctor and you will know what you need to be doing!