Curious Kiwi Capitalist

Curious Kiwi Capitalist

Curious Kiwi Capitalist Podcast Introduction

August 03, 2019

Episode 0. Introduction to the Curious Kiwi Capitalist Podcast

1st August 2019

The Curious Kiwi Capitalist podcast is about the New Zealand capital markets and the people in them including:

* asset allocation and portfolios* private business capital structure* business valuation* M&A process* behavioural finance* capital allocators* private equity* venture capital* alternative investments* investment strategies and how we apply them from NZ (e.g. passive, active, factor based,* savings vehicles including ETFs, PIE funds and KiwiSaver* managed investment fund CIOs* hedge funds* IPO and NZ* NZX* ASX* banks, non-banks, reserve bank, investment banks* financial advisers* due diligence* negotiating a sale and purchase agreement* …whatever takes my fancy really, it’s my curiosity after all