Waiting for Service

Waiting for Service

Latest Episodes

#69 Augmented Reality is here to save Field Service W/Gary York
June 05, 2020

Virtual presence is a game changer

#68 - OmniChannel is like a superfood & Why Voice will never die
June 01, 2020

Show Notes Bob once wrote 5 years ago "Omnichannel or Die" we ask Bob if that article aged well The compounding effect of doing better on digital channels The rumors of the voice channel demise was greatly exaggerated  What are the new goals of...

#66 Customer Experience must make dollars and sense/ Jason Bradshaw
May 12, 2020

The commercial Customer Experience Officer

#65 How to almost get fired and other leadership tips w/ Bob Furniss
May 06, 2020

Books to read - Never eat alone, Good to Great, who move my cheese, freakonomics Contact center churn - Why did you stick around so long Diversity in contact center Most embarrassing day of your professional career

#64 Service will always be about People w/ GQ
April 28, 2020

In the age of Ai, and tech and more tech we still need humans and more than ever before. _ Chatbots, chatbots chatbots -reducing cognitive load on the rep by getting every single agent an AI assistant  -Trends post Covid-19 Embrace WFA - Work...

#61 - Are Customer satisfaction Survey dead? W/Bob Furniss
March 22, 2020

What role do surveys play in getting the voice of the customer? Why do less and less people respond? How do you build a world class VOC program? Where do you start? our show was listed a top show on Reach Bob across all channels @Bobfurniss

#60 - AI will reduce the need for Managers
March 08, 2020

not frontline employees
