Cumbria News Net Podcast

Cumbria News Net Podcast

Episode 11: "Man Talk" - Ether AudioZine

October 11, 2015

After 10 episodes together, Sarah and Nick have adopted a surrogate Sunday Sarnie son in the form of RYAN DOLLARD.

Just as well, as it's been a dismally thin week for news in Cumbria. The highlights include overpriced Rod Stewart tickets, the new 5p plastic bag tax, and putting number plates on cyclists.

But at least Nick and Ryan get the chance to indulge in some good old man-talk, such as sheds, motorway routes and the imminent demise of Penrith-born England rugby coach Stuart Lancaster.

And we discover why Sarah could have been the mystery shooter on the "Grassy Knoll".

The Sunday Sarnie is an Ether AudioZine production.