Centre Street Church Audio Sermon

Centre Street Church Audio Sermon

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Why Only One Way to God
March 10, 2014

Another sermon in the Why Believe? Series. The topic is ‘Why Only One Way to God?’ Jesus said many outrageous things but at the top of that list might possibly be, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through M

Why Believe in the Bible? Part 4
March 03, 2014

This sermon continues with the investigation into why we believe in the Bible and concentrates on the testimony of Jesus. How did Jesus view the Old Testament? How did He prepare His apostles for the writing of the New Testament?

Why Believe in the Bible Part 3
February 24, 2014

The Bible is the only sacred book that makes specific predictions about the future. This sermon in the Why Believe Series will explore the many instances in Scripture where we see evidences of fulfilled prophesy. It inspire our faith and affirm that the

The Power of Encouragement
February 17, 2014

This weekend Ashwin Ramani speaks to us about how the power of encouragement can change lives. Encouraging people see the potential in people and help them see it for themselves. Who has God placed in your life that you can be an encouragement to?

Why Believe in the Bible? Part 2
February 10, 2014

Pastor Henry continues in the "Why Believe" sermon series with this second sermon on ‘Why Believe in the Bible?’ This sermon concentrates on two aspects which give evidence for the truth of Scripture - the fact of manuscript reliability and the discov

Bridging the Gap
February 03, 2014

As part of our “Love Does That” missions weekend, Pastor Ashwin shares about the first missionary in the Bible – Philip – who left his comfort zone and helped an Ethiopian eunuch find a personal relationship with Jesus. This eunuch returned to his

Jesus' 38 Words
January 27, 2014

Jesus’ disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, and in Luke 11:2-4 Jesus replies with the model commonly known as “The Lord’s Prayer”. In this sermon, Pastor Kent goes through the 38 Greek words that Jesus responded with, phrase by phrase.

Why Believe in the Bible? Part 1
January 20, 2014

God is revealing Himself through the vastness, beauty, symmetry, order and complexity of His creation, through His Son Jesus , and through His written Word, the Bible. This sermon in the ‘Why Believe’ Series deals with the reasons to believe that the

Why Believe in God Part 2
January 13, 2014

This week we continue the Why Believe series with part 2 of "Why Believe in God." This sermon deals with the Moral and Personal Experience argument for the existence for the God of the Bible.

Why Believe in God
January 06, 2014

This is the second sermon in the Why Believe series, “Why Believe in God?” Many have been exposed to a lot of reasons not to believe in God. This sermon introduces us to two compelling reasons to believe in the God of the Bible and the Christian fait