Cruisin' Together

Cruisin' Together

Cruisin’ Together: 40 – Jack Reacher: Never Go Back

November 10, 2016

Gregg and Chris are back to talk about Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, joined by guest, Brian "Full Meal" McBeal (and his Sam Elliott-esque-ness). It's been a while since they last recorded, but despite that, they quickly discuss failed guest-booking plans, Malcolm Gladwell's bibliography, Jack Reacher novel purists, buckets v. pails, Tangerine Dream as the sound of the '80s, and Ghost-inspired movie mash-up mayhem. During the mid-show break they make a call to action for a celebrity guest and have Kittridge news. Plus: a suspense-filled recap battle, confusion between Jack Reacher's powers and Ethan Hunt's powers, Gregg doesn't get a Chris reference, Chris doesn't understand a Gregg reference, Gregg tells a personal story and Chris corrects it...and a fitness report, a shirtlessness report, and new jingles!