Cruisin' Together

Cruisin' Together

Cruisin’ Together: 38 – Edge of Tomorrow

January 30, 2016

Gregg and Chris bring back a gest-- Gregg and Chris bring back a guest, their FIRST guest, Traci Todd, to talk Live, Die-- Gregg and Chris bring back a guest, their FIRST guest, Traci Todd, to talk Edge of Tomorrow, a conversation that covers-- Gregg and Chris bring back a guest, their FIRST guest, Traci Todd, to talk Edge of Tomorrow, a conversation covering matters musical (the members of U2, the songs of Chicago/Peter Cetera, and Flintstones jams), matters logical (how exactly does the movie logic work), and matters informational (defining kibble, questioning who's in charge, is it based on a manga). There's theme song/jingle madness, denial of opt-outs, a special Tom Tom interlude, a twist on an old favorite, and we ask the question "When is the audience done?"