The CrowdCast Show – PlaystationCrowd

The CrowdCast Show – PlaystationCrowd

Crowdcast Episode 123 – Livestreaming

December 23, 2015

The finally edited and uploaded episode of the Crowdcast Livestream.
Gin, Nic and Beranmee get together to discuss the news and the games they’ve been playing, while playing Magicka 2!
This is obviously something that we haven’t done before, so I would like your feedback, do we try this again in future with other games? Or do we quietly sweep this under the rug and pretend it never happened?
During the show we discuss various games, including our favourite Vita titles of all time, there’s some discussion regarding Konami and their practises and we round it all off by cussing each other out over the various deaths that take place while playing.
If you would rather watch what’s going on instead of just listening, by all means look up Gincairn on YouTube or NicolajNN on Twitch (hopefully links to follow)
I am aware of the echo on the vocals, this appears to be an issue with the Party chat, if we do this in future, we may have to come up with another solution.