The CrowdCast Show – PlaystationCrowd

The CrowdCast Show – PlaystationCrowd

Crowdcast Episode 104 - Crowds against humanity

March 23, 2015

Gin, Nic and Walt get together to discuss the news in brief and then go on to try something new.

The guys decide to try and play Cards Against Humanity via the newly released web-version available at

Now you may be wondering why a Playstation-based podcast is playing CAH, and the simple solution is that we decided to play through this for 2 reasons,

1. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

2. If people (that is you guys) like it, we may consider doing more of them on alternate weeks, so a podcast 1 week and a CAH game the following week.

So that’s where you come in, if you guys like it, let us know and we’ll consider the second show, the added bonus here is that we would need more players (more players mean more fun) and that would mean. . . listener participation! Not only could you listen to the shows and laugh along with us, you could join in on a show, all you need is a web browser and a skype account, if you’re interested in the new show (either listening or joining in) get in touch via the usual means, either a comment on the show page, email or even on twitter, the contact info is as always available at the end of the show.