CRM Radio

CRM Radio

What makes a good blog?

April 14, 2020

Webinars are being slammed together and Zoom users have increased tenfold.  Internet radio listeners and podcasts subscribers are thirsting for information that doesn’t start with COVID-19 updates.  In the midst of this, blog readers have increased and are searching for problem solving hints and technology to make their business life, better in a post pandemic world.
For this episode, Paul Petersen, GM of GoldMine CRM interviews Jay Dymond First Direct Corporation's webmaster and GoldMine expert to discuss why blogging is an important and easy way to stay in touch with customers and build a following.
Jay DymondDymond is responsible for IT Project Management, Web Site Design/Development, GoldMine Database Administration, and Help Desk Management. He creates and designs First Direct’s HTML E-mail Marketing Campaigns and Newsletters.
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