The Lightbulb Podcast

The Lightbulb Podcast

Episode 50 A Case Study In Validating Your Product Idea

June 22, 2017

The one where I practice what I preach. Podcast Episode 50 Show Notes/Transcript Hello, hello, and welcome to episode 50, yes, 50, of the podcast. Are you confused yet? I've changed the podcast's name. The Creative Me Podcast is now called The Lightbulb Podcast. Why The Name Change? The reason for the name change is well, I fancied a bit of a change, but also I wanted to bring the podcast under my Lightbulb branding. You're probably aware by now that I have a free Facebook group called The Lightbulb Club and I offer a couple of online courses under the banner of The Lightbulb Academy. It really seemed to make lots of sense to rename the show The Lightbulb Podcast. And What About The Intro? Because of the name change, and because we got to episode 50, I thought I'd try a little bit of new intro music as well, and I rather like this one. What do you think? Newbie? If this is your first time listening to the podcast, then I just want to let you know that this episode isn't going to be a traditional, typical episode, because I have a few things I want to catch you up on that are going on behind the scenes. That's not normally what I would do with the show. If you are a newbie, I really recommend you listen to perhaps a few of the episodes prior to this one. RSS Feed - No Change Also, I should let you know if you subscribe to the show, the RSS feed hasn't changed, so that means you don't have to resubscribe, unsubscribe, anything like that. Everything should just run seamlessly. Most Recent Blog Okay, so I want to get you caught up on a few things. First things first, I want to ask you if you managed to catch my most recent blog post called "How To Validate Your Online Course, eBook, Or Educational Product Idea".   This blog post was quite meaty and dealt with something that anybody who is thinking about creating a new product or service really should be considering. Validate Your Idea If you've got an idea in your mind for a new product or service, you need to validate your idea. That's what I explain in the blog post. Validating an idea means you are checking there is a market for your idea, that there's demand, that your idea solves an existing problem or deals with someone's pain points. This validation process should happen way before you start building your product or designing your service. I Need To Validate An Idea I bring this up because I am going to practice what I preach. That's why this episode is called "A Case Study In Validating Your Product Idea." I'm working on something behind the scenes which I think you will find really interesting, but in order to validate the idea, I need to get some feedback. What I'm working on is this: Membership Site Idea I am looking at putting together a membership site for people who have a creative hobby and they'd like to transform it into a business. Not necessarily a full-time business, but they want to make it more than a hobby. My membership site would have a very low-cost entry point because I'm very realistic that if you are starting from scratch with a business, your budget is minimal, so I would keep the costs low. The membership site would include live training from me and coaching, online courses, downloadable resources, and probably a forum as well. I'd really like to try and create a real sense of community in there. The Lightbulb Academy Membership Site Now, obviously, I think it's a great idea. I would pull it all under the banner of The Lightbulb Academy, and any existing courses that I have and any that I'm working on would go straight into the membership site. Before I start making this site, though, I need to validate my product idea. See, I really am practising what I preach. One way I'm doing this is by asking for feedback and the way I'm going to capture this feedback is in the form of a questionnaire. I'd love it if you would take a moment to complete this questionnaire. Here's the link, or click the button below. TAKE ME TO THE QUESTIONS Givea