Crazy Ambition | Mom Entrepreneurs | Work Less & Avoid Overwhelm | Inspiring Interviews from Today's

Crazy Ambition | Mom Entrepreneurs | Work Less & Avoid Overwhelm | Inspiring Interviews from Today's

032: Teacher Trick to Get Your Kids to Behave + Get People to Share Your Ideas with Mompreneur Lily Jones

October 16, 2015

Get your kids to behave with this #1 teacher trick
Path to the perfect product to sell - Lily’s journey from idea to implementation to funding of her Curiosity Pack
How Lily validated her product idea, so she could be SURE her Curiosity Pack would sell
How to sell your Kickstarter Campaign without being salesy
How to get people to share your ideas and Kickstarter Campaigns (it’s easier than you think)
How and why to pick a monthly focus, so you aren’t scatter-brained learning, and can dive deep.