Crazy Ambition | Mom Entrepreneurs | Work Less & Avoid Overwhelm | Inspiring Interviews from Today's

Crazy Ambition | Mom Entrepreneurs | Work Less & Avoid Overwhelm | Inspiring Interviews from Today's

031: Do more, work less, trick yourself into calendar sanity with Mompreneur Jill Salzman

October 01, 2015

How Jill batches her work and makes it LOOK like she is working more than she really is.
Why Jill blacks her schedule out with fake events - hint - it gets her to do what she wants instead of overbooking herself
How Jill prevents herself from overbooking herself because others want to be on her calendar
Why Jill doesn’t believe in separating work from family life, and how she melds it into one (and is less overwhelmed this way)
How to stop it with the superficial mom guilt, like “it’s too early for him to go to daycare”
Jill’s #1 strategy for better sales (it’s much more simple than you think)